Nájera city of pilgrims

Nájera is a city which has lived and lives today nourished by the culture of millions of pilgrims coming from all regions of the world, crossing the San Juan de Ortega bridge and walking to the end of the way, finishing at Santaigo de Compostela.

Capital of the kingdom of Navarre, the cradle and tomb of Kings, Nájera also has the great monastery of Santa Maria la Real, which encloses a magnificent roman tomb belonging to Doña Blanca of Navarre.


The Kings cloister is one of the most beautiful examples of Gothic art on the Jacobin way. The other points of interest of Nájera, are also the Santa Elena convent, the royal chapel of the Holy Cross, the archaeological Alcazar and the history museum.

A few kilometers from Nájera, pilgrims can visit San Millan, the cradle of the Spanish language, and their monasteries: Yuso and Suso. San Millan was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1997.

“Nájera is a different city known for its hospitality to visitors.”